Citrix Cloud

System Log events for Citrix Workspace

This article describes the event data that System Log captures for Citrix Workspace. For more information about System Log event data, see System Log Events Reference.

To learn more about System Log, see System Log.

Workspace URL

Event Message Event Type Target Type Actor ID Current object fields recorded before event Updated object fields recorded after event
Workspace URL updated wxp/url/update subscriber The administrator who updated the URL Yes Yes
Failed to update Workspace URL wxp/url/updatefailed subscriber The administrator who attempted to update the URL Yes Yes
Workspace URL enabled wxp/url/enable subscriber The administrator who enabled customization of the workspace URL No Yes
Failed to enable Workspace URL wxp/url/enablefailed subscriber The administrator who attempted to enable customization of the workspace URL No Yes
Workspace URL disabled wxp/url/disable subscriber The administrator who disabled customization of the workspace URL No Yes
Failed to disable Workspace URL wxp/url/disablefailed subscriber The administrator who attempted to disable customization of the workspace URL No Yes

Workspace authentication

Event Message Event Type Target Type Actor ID Current object fields recorded before event Updated object fields recorded after event
Workspace identity provider updated wxp/identityprovider/update subscriber The administrator who updated the workspace authentication method Yes Yes
Failed to update Workspace identity provider wxp/identityprovider/updatefailed subscriber The administrator who attempted to update the workspace authentication method Yes Yes

Citrix Federated Authentication Service

Event Message Event Type Target Type Actor ID Current object fields recorded before event Updated object fields recorded after event
Workspace Federated Authentication Service (FAS) enabled wxp/fas/enable subscriber The administrator who enabled FAS No Yes
Failed to enable Workspace Federated Authentication Service (FAS) wxp/fas/enablefailed subscriber The administrator who tried to enable FAS No Yes
Workspace Federated Authentication Service (FAS) disabled wxp/fas/disable subscriber The administrator who disabled FAS No Yes
Failed to disable Workspace Federated Authentication Service (FAS) wxp/fas/disablefailed subscriber The administrator who tried to disable FAS No Yes


Event Message Event Type Target Type Actor ID Current object fields recorded before event Updated object fields recorded after event
Workspace favorites enabled wxp/favorites/enable subscriber The administrator who enabled favorites No Yes
Failed to enable Workspace favorites wxp/favorites/enablefailed subscriber The administrator who tried to enable favorites No Yes
Workspace favorites disabled wxp/favorites/disable subscriber The administrator who disabled favorites No Yes
Failed to disable Workspace favorites wxp/favorites/disablefailed subscriber The administrator who tried to disable favorites No Yes

Change password

Event Message Event Type Target Type Actor ID Current object fields recorded before event Updated object fields recorded after event
Workspace change password options policy updated wxp/changepasswordoptions/updatepolicy subscriber The administrator who updated the policy for changing passwords within Citrix Workspace Yes Yes
Failed to update Workspace change password options policy wxp/changepasswordoptions/updatepolicyfailed subscriber The administrator who tried to update the policy for changing passwords within Citrix Workspace Yes Yes
Workspace change password options enabled wxp/changepasswordoptions/enable subscriber The administrator who enabled the setting for changing passwords within Citrix Workspace No Yes
Failed to enable Workspace change password options wxp/changepasswordoptions/enablefailed subscriber The administrator who tried to enable the setting for changing passwords within Citrix Workspace No Yes
Workspace change password options disabled wxp/changepasswordoptions/disable subscriber The administrator who disabled the setting for changing passwords within Citrix Workspace No Yes
Failed to disable Workspace change password options wxp/changepasswordoptions/disablefailed subscriber The administrator who tried to disable the setting for changing passwords within Citrix Workspace No Yes

Long-lived tokens

Event Message Event Type Target Type Actor ID Current object fields recorded before event Updated object fields recorded after event
Workspace long lived token configuration updated wxp/longlivedtoken/update subscriber The administrator who updated the token configuration Yes Yes
Failed to update Workspace long lived token configuration wxp/longlivedtoken/updatefailed subscriber The administrator who tried to update the token configuration Yes Yes

Inactivity timeout for Web

Event Message Event Type Target Type Actor ID Current object fields recorded before event Updated object fields recorded after event
Workspace sessions Configuration updated wxp/sessions/update subscriber The administrator who updated the idle time for the Inactivity Timeout for Web setting Yes Yes
Failed to update Workspace sessions configuration wxp/sessions/updatefailed subscriber The administrator who tried to update the idle time for the Inactivity Timeout for Web setting Yes Yes

Feature rollout

Event Message Event Type Target Type Actor ID Current object fields recorded before event Updated object fields recorded after event
Assigned users and groups updated for intelligent Workspace experience wxp/iws/features/updateusersgroups subscriber The administrator who updated the assigned users and groups for accessing Activity Feed notifications in Citrix Workspace No No
Failed to Assign users and groups updated for intelligent Workspace experience wxp/iws/features/updateusersgroupsfailed subscriber The administrator who tried to update the assigned users and groups for accessing Activity Feed notifications in Citrix Workspace No No
Intelligent Workspace experience enabled wxp/iws/features/enable subscriber The administrator who enabled Activity Feed notifications in Citrix Workspace No No
Failed to enable intelligent Workspace experience wxp/iws/features/enablefailed subscriber The administrator who tried to enable Activity Feed notications in Citrix Workspace No No
Intelligent Workspace experience disabled wxp/iws/features/disable subscriber The administrator who disabled Activity Feed notifications in Citrix Workspace No No
Failed to disable intelligent Workspace experience wxp/iws/features/disablefailed subscriber The administrator who tried to disable Activity Feed notifications in Citrix Workspace No No
System Log events for Citrix Workspace