Citrix DaaS

Autoscale plug-in

Autoscale plug-in is a plug-in model where you can take direct action on the power management of VMs. You can deviate from the standard Autoscale settings related to the power management of VMs and instead have different settings for different scenarios. Currently, one such plug-in that you can use is the Autoscale holiday plug-in.

Autoscale holiday plug-in

You can use the Autoscale holiday plug-in to handle different settings for holidays. For example, for weekdays you want most of the VMs to be powered on and by default, on public holidays, the weekday schedule is applied. To handle such scenarios, this plug-in allows VMs to be powered off on specified holiday dates.

Configure holiday dates

Associate the Autoscale holiday plug-in with a delivery group and configure the holiday dates so that the plug-in can allow VMs to be powered off on the configured dates. To achieve this, run the following commands:

  1. Run Get-BrokerAutoscalePlugin to get the UID of the holiday plug-in.

    (Get-BrokerAutoscalePlugin -Name Citrix.AutoscalePlugin.HolidaySchedule).Uid

    Note the UID value of the HolidaySchedule plug-in. Let’s assume that the HolidaySchedule plug-in has UID 1.

  2. Get the UID of the delivery group with which you want to associate the plug-in. For example:

    $dgUid = (Get-BrokerDesktopGroup 'My Group Name').Uid
  3. Associate the HolidaySchedule plug-in with the delivery group (-AutoscalePluginUid “<HolidaySchedule plugin value>”) and specify the required holiday dates. For example:

    New-BrokerAutoscaleGroupPlugin -Name "Company Holidays" -DesktopGroupUid $dgUid -AutoscalePluginUid 1 -Configuration '{"Holidays":["2024-11-28","2024-11-29","2024-12-25"]}'

    Note the UID of the AutoscaleGroupPlugin created (the association between the plug-in and the delivery group).


    The name for the association must be unique among the associations for a given delivery group. For example, there can only be one association called “Company Holidays” for one delivery group, but one or more other delivery groups might also have associations called “Company Holidays”.

Change the holiday dates

You can change the specified holiday dates using the Set-BrokerAutoscaleGroupPlugin PowerShell commands and specifying the UID of the AutoscaleGroupPlugin. For example, let’s assume that the AutoscaleGroupPlugin has UID 2.

Set-BrokerAutoscaleGroupPlugin 2 -Configuration '{"Holidays":["2024-11-28","2024-11-29"]}'

Important considerations

Consider the following when working with the Autoscale holiday plug-in:

  • The delivery group must have a timezone specified.
  • The date format must be “yyyy-mm-dd”.
  • Schedule overrides (overrides a standard Autoscale setting) are generated a day in advance at 22:00 on the previous day. After 22:00 it’s not possible to add, remove, or change any schedule override for the following day.
  • The same Autoscale plug-in can be associated with multiple delivery groups. Run the New-BrokerAutoscaleGroupPlugin for each delivery group, and then configure the holidays required for that group.
  • The latest Set-BrokerAutoscalePlugin -Configuration command overwrites all existing holidays with the new holidays specified.
Autoscale plug-in