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Scout Enterprise Management Suite

Advanced device configuration and Advanced options

The device configuration defined globally in Options > Base device configuration or for individual OUs or devices in their Device configuration can be extended as follows:

  • Override applied options and add further options for individual devices or OUs by using the Advanced device configuration


The Advanced device configuration is applied on OU or device level.

  • Open the relevant context menu and click Advanced device configuration…

Inheritance is also used for Advanced device configuration. By default, the option Use parent of Advanced device configuration is selected. You can, however, clear this option on some of the tabs.

  • Apply further options to all devices by using the Advanced options


The Advanced options are applied to all devices.

  • On the Scout Console menu, click Options > Advanced options.

Some functions such as Files (configured for transfer), Advanced file entries and Update options can be found in both dialogs. Use Advanced device configuration to apply the function to individual devices. Use Advanced options to apply the function to all devices.

Advanced device configuration and Advanced options