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Scout Enterprise Management Suite

Defining a browser application

  1. Add a new application (/en-us/unicon-elux-scout/admin_guides/scout/app_definition/app_general/app_add.html) and select the application type Browser.

  2. Edit the following fields:

    Option Description
    Name Name of the browser shown in the Scout Console
    Browser type Select Firefox, Chromium or Builtin Browser.
    Start page Web page (URL) that opens when you click Home
    Called page Web page (URL) that opens after starting the browser
    Proxy type

    • No proxy: No proxy server is used
    • Manual (Proxy:Port): Specify a proxy server and port number
    • Auto (URL): Use a proxy configuration file
    • Use system proxy (default): ‘System-wide’ proxy setting defined in the device configuration under Network > Advanced per network profile
    Note that the setting behind System proxy can also be No proxy.
    For further information, see Proxy configuration.


    For the Builtin Browser, the setting must be left on Use system proxy.

    Application restart See Adding applications

    Start automatically
    Desktop icon
    Free parameters (optional)
    Individual parameters for application start
    see Defining free application parameters
  3. To enable the Kiosk mode for Firefox, see Kiosk mode for Firefox.

  4. Confirm with Apply and OK.


By default, all browser files (cache, history, bookmarks, etc.) are saved temporarily to the flash memory but are deleted with each restart. We recommend that you configure the browser home directory on a network drive. For further information, see Browser home directory.

Further browser-specific preferences can be set through policies (Chromium) or configuration file entries (Firefox.). For further information, see the Scout guide:

Preferences Chromium

Preferences Firefox

Preferences Builtin Browser

Deploying SSL certificates for the browser

  • Use the Scout feature Files configured for transfer to transfer certificate files to the required target directory on the device:
Mozilla Firefox /setup/cacerts/firefox or /setup/cacerts/browser, The certificates can be located in either directory.
Google Chromium /setup/cacerts/browser

For further information, see Files configured for transfer.

Note that a second restart of the device is required to assign the certificates that have been transferred during the first boot to the certificate store of the browser.

Defining a browser application