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Scout Enterprise Management Suite

Command history

All of the executed Update, Delivery, and User-defined commands can be viewed in the command history. When calling the command history, the object rights of the administrator management are respected.

  • Click View > Command history

The Command history window opens and displays one job (command for 1 to n devices) per line providing the following information:

Option Description
Type Type of object the command is applied to. This can be an individual device, an OU with sub units (OU+), an OU without sub units (OU) or a Dynamic Client Group.
Name Object name (name of device, OU or Dynamic Client Group)
Command Executed command (Update, Delivery or User-defined command)
Devices Number of devices concerned
Start Date and time of sending command to the devices / starting time
End Date and time of sending command to the devices / ending time
  The ending time of a job is reached when either the devices report back Successful or Failed or when the timeout of 5 minutes for feedback is passed. If the administrator terminates a job, the ending time is defined by the terminating time.
Successful Number of devices that have successfully processed the command
Failed Number of devices that have reported failure during command processing
Timeout Number of devices that haven’t reported feedback within the defined time period of 5 minutes
Progress % Progress of command processing in percent, across all concerned devices
Administrator Administrator who ran the command

Apply the following options to the job list:

Option Action
Refresh Press F5.
Sort table rows Click the column title by which you want to sort.
  A first click sorts the jobs ascending, and the second one sorts descending.
  To reproduce the default sorting order, click F5.

Apply the following options to a selected job:

Option Action
View details
Click Details.
The Command details window displays all processing details of the concerned devices. Among with starting and ending times you can find the current status and the command processing result for each device.
Search object in Scout tree view
Right-click an object name, and then click Find in tree view.
The first result is selected in the tree view.
Terminate running job
Select the running job, and then click Terminate.
A command terminating request is sent to the Scout Server and the transmission of the command to the devices is stopped.
Command history