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Scout Enterprise Management Suite

Requesting diagnostic files

Before you perform device diagnostics, we recommend that you temporarily enable enhanced logging on the device. For further information, see Log level.

  1. From the device context menu, choose Device diagnostics > Request files…

    In the Edit diagnostic files dialog, all templates defined so far are shown. Only active templates (check mark) will be processed.

  2. The required object right provided, you can select or clear further templates of the list.

  3. Click Request.

    All scripts defined in the active templates are executed on the device. All files defined in the active templates are retrieved from the device and saved as a .zip file in the local user directory <userprofile>\Documents\UniCon\Scout\Console\Diag of the Scout machine.

  4. Click Explorer.

The Windows Explorer opens showing the diagnostics target directory.


1 Predefined template #System. This template is always active and can neither be deleted nor edited.
2 Provided an administrator owns the Edit diagnostic templates object right, she/he can create, edit and delete additional templates.
3 Log and configuration files defined by the selected template and requested by the device
4 Additional commands defined by the selected template to be executed on the device
5 The commands are executed and the defined files requested from the device.
6 Once the requested files are available, open the Explorer with the diagnostics target directory.
Requesting diagnostic files