Unicon documentation migration is in progress. You might find some broken links or experience minor issues in the documentation. We are working on resolving these issues.


Scout Enterprise Management Suite

Closing a console

  1. In the Scout Console, click File > Console Management > Close console.
  2. Click Refresh to receive an up-to-date list showing all active consoles.
  3. Click Find to filter the list.
  4. Select the relevant consoles in the list.
  5. To send a message to the relevant users, check the Inform user for option and enter the seconds as desired.
  6. To give user s a chance to cancel the command, select the Command can be canceled by the user option .
  7. Click Close selected consoles or Close all consoles, respectively.

The command is communicated to the consoles. Closing the consoles might take several minutes. The dialog waits up to 5 minutes for receiving the confirmation of all consoles. The list of all active consoles is updated continuously within the time period.

Closing a console