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Scout Enterprise Management Suite

Organizational structure

The main window of the Scout Console shows a tree view in the upper left corner that reproduces the organizational structure with all managed devices. When you log in for the first time, you will see the organizational units Lost&Found and Enterprise which are created by default. The latter serves as the top node of your organizational structure.

At the top level, three applications are provided that you can use to connect to a back-end: RDP, StoreFront and VMware Horizon. For further information, see Defining applications.

To each organizational unit – hereafter referred to as OU – you can add applications, devices and other OUs. Each OU can contain subordinate OUs, applications and devices.

By default, inheritance is active. Application definitions and device configuration data are inherited by subordinate OUs and devices.

If you add a new device to an OU, it will receive all application definitions and device configuration data from this OU.

Individual devices and applications can be moved from one OU to another by using a drag-and-drop operation or the Clipboard. The devices then are assigned the properties of the new OU (if inheritance is active).

For further information, see Concept

Reg Org structure thumb

For the element selected in the tree view, you can view various details in the Properties window.

Adding a new OU

  1. For the relevant OU, from the context menu, choose Add > Organization unit.

    The Advanced device configuration dialog opens.

  2. Enter a unique name for the new OU.


    Back slashes are not supported.

  3. If required, enter further information into the Info fields and edit fields on the other tabs.

  4. Confirm with Apply and OK.

The new OU is shown in the tree structure. It contains the folders Applications Applications and Devices Devices.

Organizational structure