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Scout Enterprise Management Suite

eLux RP 6 User Interface

eLux RP 6 devices come with a new desktop interface that can be customized to your needs and that provides a personal desktop view. For further information, see eLux RP 6 User Interface in the eLux guide.

Customizing the layout of the eLux RP 6 User Interface

  1. For the relevant OU, use the Advanced file entries feature of the Scout Console to modify the client file [/setup/terminal.ini] in the [Layout] section. Add the following new entries and specify the relevant values:

    Entry Value range Description
    DesktopLogo [Path and name of the picture file] none Option 1 replaces the eLux Logo in the lower right section by the specified picture file. Example: [/setup/public/myPic.png] Option 2 removes the eLux Logo in the lower right section.


    To show an individual picture file, transfer the picture to the devices. For further information, see Files configured for transfer.

    Entry Value range Description
    DesktopTextColor #<[rgb]> Text color of application icons
    DesktopHighlightedTextColor #<[rgb]> Text color of application icons when the mouse pointer is moved over them
    DesktopTitleTextColor #<[rgb]> Color of the folder/tab title (All Applications, StoreFront store name)
    DesktopSearchTextColor #<[rgb]> Text color in the search field
    DesktopSearchBackgroundColor #<[rgb]> Background color of the search field
    DesktopSearchIconColor #<[rgb]> Color of search icon (magnifier)
    DesktopSortIconColor #<[rgb]> Color of sort icon (A-Z)
  2. To display a background image, configure the relevant picture file in the Advanced desktop settings of the device configuration. For further information, see Advanced desktop settings.

    For multiple monitors, the image will be used as a background image on each monitor.


    The background image overrides the Background color defined on the Desktop tab.

  3. To set a solid background color for the desktop, use the Background option on the Desktop tab.

    To set a gradient background color, use the RGB values [R 102, G 138, B 185].

  4. To configure the position of the system bar, define the following entry in the [/setup/terminal.ini] file in the Layout section:

    Entry Value range Description
    SystembarPosition 0/1 0:bottom of the screen
        1: top of the screen
eLux RP 6 User Interface