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Scout Enterprise Management Suite

Advanced network settings

In Device configuration > Network > Advanced you will find a Hosts list as well as features that apply to all network connections.

Defining a timeout for a connection

  • Under Management timers, in the relevant fields, enter the desired timeout in seconds
  • when a connection is set up
  • when a connection is in idle state

After the specified time, the connection will be terminated.

The option Send Keepalive packet ensures that the device sends keepalive signals to the Scout Server in the specified time interval, provided the Scout Keep Alive service is installed. For further information, see Configuring status messages for devices.

Defining a Hosts list for networks without DNS server

If the network is not equipped with a domain name server (DNS), host names can be resolved locally by the device.

  1. Click New.

  2. Enter an IP address and one or more host names.


    To specify multiple host names for your IP address, enter the IP names one after the other, separated by spaces. Example: host1.domain.com host2.domain.com host3.domain.com

  3. Confirm with OK.

The Hosts list is automatically transferred on the next device restart.

Advanced network settings