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Scout Enterprise Management Suite

Log files of the Scout Keep Alive service

from Scout 15 2302

For the Scout Keep Alive service, log file rotation is active, which writes information about the service start and errors by default. The log level and other log options may be customized via an .ini file.

After installation, the log files and the scoutkeepalive.ini are located under %PUBLIC%DocumentsUniConScoutScoutKeepAlive

The following settings are available in scoutkeepalive.ini in the Logger section:

Option Default Value range Description
MaxLogFiles 10 1..n Number of log files for log rotation
MaxLogFileSizeMB 100 100..n File size in MB



Log level
1 Service start and errors
2 Information beyond errors
4 Program flow
8 Program flow including further details
To receive error messages, information beyond errors and information on the program flow, we recommend protocol level 7 (bit mask of 1+2+4).
Location C:UsersPublicDocumentsUniconScoutScoutKeepAlive Destination for the log files
Log files of the Scout Keep Alive service