Citrix Virtual Apps and Desktops

Citrix Virtual Apps and Desktops telemetry data elements




Key Description Example
ver Indicates the version of the telemetry event. 1
id Indicates a unique identifier of the usage event. d4ce7919-5d80-44de-a8fa-102923fe0ead
type Indicates the event type used by Citrix Analytic Service to identify cloud usage events. SendBrokerTelemetryData
st Indicates the timestamp when the event is generated in Broker. 2011-08-12T20:17:46.384Z
Identifies the originating product and deployment of the usage event.
XenDesktop.Broker (Cloud)
OnPrem.Broker (OnPrem)
prodVer Indicates the Citrix DaaS/Citrix Virtual Apps and Desktops product version.


Field Description Example
TotalPublishedApps Indicates the total number of published Apps. 10
TotalPublishedDesktops Indicates the total number of published Desktops. 10
VDAs.Total Indicates the total number of VDAs. 10
VDAs.OSTypes Indicates the total number of VDAs by OS types such as Windows, Linux, and Mac. 10
VDAs.OSVersions Indicates the total number of by OS versions such as Windows 10, 11, 2022, 2019.     10
VDAs.HostingLocations.Azure Indicates the number of VDAs for each supported hosting locations such as Azure, AWS, GCP, Nutanix, VMWare, XenServer, and HyperV.


VDAs.ProvisionedMethod.MCS Indicates the number of machines provisioned by Machine Creation Service (MCS). 10
VDAs.ProvisionedMethod.ManualOr3P Indicates the number of machines manually or 3P provisioned. 10
VDAs.SessionSupport.StaticSingle Indicates the number of machines statically assigned single session. 10
VDAs.SessionSupport.DynamicSingle Indicates the number of machines dynamically assigned single session. 10
VDAs.SessionSupport.Multi Indicates the total number of multi-session machines. 10
VDAs.RemotePCAccess.Windows Indicates the number of Remote PC Access machines by OS type (Win, Mac, Linux).


VDAs.ActiveSessionRecordingAgents Indicates the number of VDAs with active session recording agents. 5
VDAs.Subscriptions Indicates the number of public cloud subscriptions of VDAs. 2
VDAs.LocationTypes Indicates the number of location types of VDAs. 2
AutoScale.DGWithAutoscaleEnabled Indicates the number of delivery groups with Autoscale Enabled. 2
AutoScale.TotalMachinesCtrlByAutoscale Indicates the number of machines controlled by autoscale. 5
AutoScale.VerticalAutoscaleEnabledByDGandSite Indicates the number of machines with Vertical Autoscale enabled by DG and Site. 2
AutoScale.TaggedBasedAutoscaledDG Indicates the number of tagged-based autoscaled delivery groups. 2
DeliveryGroup.TotalRebootSchedulesEnabled Indicates the number of delivery groups with Reboot Schedules enabled. 2
DeliveryGroup.Total Indicates the total number of delivery groups. 10
Policy.TotalPolicySets Indicates the number of policy sets. 3
Policy.TotalPolicies Indicates the number of group policies. 2
Policy.TotalPolicySettings Indicates the number of group settings. 2
PublishedPackageApps.AppVSingleAdmin Indicates the total number of packaged apps published in the AppV Single Admin mode. 2
PublishedPackageApps.AppVDualAdmin Indicates the total number of packaged apps published in the AppV Dual Admin mode. 2
PublishedPackageApps.Msix Indicates the total number of packaged apps published in the MSIX mode. 2
PublishedPackageApps.AppAttach Indicates the total number of packaged apps published in the AppAttach mode. 2
PublishedPackageApps.FlexApp Indicates the total number of packaged apps published in the FlexApp mode. 2



Field Description Example
ver Indicates the version of the license usage event. 1
id Indicates a unique identifier of the usage event. d4ce7919-5d80-44de-a8fa-102923fe0ead
type Indicates the event type used by Citrix Analytic Service to identify cloud usage events. Cloud.Licensing
st Indicates the timestamp when the event is generated in Broker. 2011-08-12T20:17:46.384Z
Identifies the originating product and deployment of the usage event.
XenDesktop.Broker (Cloud)
OnPrem.Broker (OnPrem)
prodVer Indicates Citrix DaaS or Citrix Virtual Apps and Desktops product version.

Identifies the User ID to uniquely identify a user initiating the session launch. The value is scrambled.

fullName: C648FE671A44B3F7 (always scrambled)
samName:C758LH671A44B3F7 (always scrambled)
upn: C7948FE671A44B3F7 (always scrambled)
userLicenseId:C265FE671A44B3F7 (always scrambled)
userSid: C097FE671A44B3F7 (always scrambled)
tenant -> id Indicates the Customer ID of the Citrix Cloud account. For the on-premises deployment, this field is not applicable and has no value. joj1mh0598tj
dvc -> dvcId Indicates the device ID to uniquely identify a device from where the session launch is initiated. AE18C4D5
dvc -> dvcName Indicates the friendly name for the device. The value is scrambled. C758LH671A44B3F7 (always scrambled)


Field Description Example
appProtectionKeyLoggingRequired Indicates whether the session is launched with Key Logging Protection enabled. False
appProtectionScreenCaptureRequired Indicates whether the session is launched with Screen Capture Protection enabled. False
cspTenantCustomerId Indicates the Customer ID of a CSP tenant’s Citrix Cloud account. For the on-premises deployment, this field is not applicable and has no value. 6c2vtxgxyftt
isAnonymousUser Indicates whether an unauthenticated session is launched. False
licenseActivityTimeStamp Indicates the timestamp when the payload is generated. 2011-08-12T20:17:46.384Z
licenseActivityType Indicates the licensing event type. This field indicates if the licensing event type is for assignment or release action. Connect
licenseModel Indicates the license model of the deployment. UserDevice
productEdition Indicates the product edition of the deployment. Premium
productId Indicates the product ID of the product in the deployment. CAVDS
protocol Indicates the protocol used to launch the session. HDX
sessionKey Indicates a unique identifier for the session. uq390c5fc3-86eb-4df3-bd9a-f4a8fed2c9e2
sessionSupport Indicates the session support type. SingleSession
sessionType Indicates the session type. Application
ver Indicates the payload version. 1.3
workerSid Indicates a unique identifier for the VDA used for the session.The value is scrambled. 1E5LH671A44B3F7 (always scrambled)
isWindows365 Denotes if the session is launched for Windows 365. True
entitlementType Indicates the Customer’s license entitlement type. Production
siteId Indicates a unique identifier for the site. a35647d0-901c-4477-87e0-dcd781d455f4
desktopGroupId Indicates a unique identifier for the Desktop or Delivery Group. e9d859dc-1bfc-4b3e-bad3-41806bb4e694
clientType Indicates the Citrix Workspace app type. Windows
clientVersion Indicates the Citrix Workspace app version.
workerCloudType Indicates the public cloud type used for VDA provisioning. Azure
enabledFeatures Indicates the features that are enabled for the session. For example, in a session where AppProtectionScreenCaptureRequired and SessionRecording are enabled, the value of this field is 66. 66
Records the product that is used to request the launch. It can be either On-prem StoreFront or Cloud StoreFront.
0 (StoreFront or 3P)
1 (Workspace)
isEvents Indicates the critical failures in . Unable to create ST Database.
heartBeatTime Indicates the License server heart beat time to CIS or Citrix Analytic Service. 1689058813

Indicates the payload that is captured for App Layering, User Personalization Layer, User Profile management, Workspace Environment Management, and HDX features.

CPM_feature: 32
HDX1: 66
HDX2: 0
UPL_isEnabled: 1
CPM_version: 22.3.4000
wem_enableMethod: 1
wem_agentVersion: 2402.1




Field Description Example
ver Indicates the version of the license usage event. 1
id Indicates a unique identifier of the usage event. 8c2e20a5-ca3f-4401-ad69-d037933c40a0
type Indicates the event type used by Citrix Analytic Service to identify cloud usage events Studio.Usage
st Indicates the timestamp when the event is generated in Studio. 2024-03-22T01:32:23.4056195Z
prod Identifies the originating product and deployment of the usage event. XenDesktop.Studio
prodVer Indicates the Citrix DaaS/Citrix Virtual Apps and Desktops product version


Field Description Example
AdminLoginList Indicates the list of unique admins SamAccountName. The value is scrambled. {AdminLoginList: [UFMJ+JvXOTHO9mQDsOweiw= =]}(always scrambled)
TotalApiRequests Indicates the API requests of the Orchestration service. {TotalApiRequests: 1000}
BackupCount Indicates the count of backup which operated by Studio admin. {BackupCount: 200}
RestoreCount Indicates the count of restore which operated by Studio admin. {RestoreCount: 20}


Usage report


Field Description Example
ver Indicates the version of the license usage event. 1
id Indicates a unique identifier of the usage event. 8c2e20a5-ca3f-4401-ad69-d037933c40a0
type Indicates the event type used by Citrix Analytic Service to identify cloud usage events. Telemetry
st Indicates the timestamp when the event is generated in Studio. 2024-03-22T01:32:23.4056195Z
prod Identifies the originating product and deployment of the usage event. XenApp.Monitor
prodVer Indicates the Director product version.


Field Description Example

This is a section of the payload which provides the count of admin logins.

type: AdminLogin
          0: 1
                1: 7

This section of the payload has the count of big rock features used in Director.

  type: FeatureUsage
                 0: 15
                 1: 20
                 5: 10

This section of the payload has the count of Odata API usage

type: OData_v3
                 0: 1
                 2: 7
                 5: 9
 type: OData_v4
                0: 1
                2: 8
                6: 7

Indicates the weekly usage metrics of the published applications.

type: AppUsage
    headers: applicationName,processName,totalDurationInMinutes
    period: 01/05/24-07/05/24
    values: [

Indicates the count of unique users along with total app launches in a month for published applications.

type: UniqueAppUsers
    headers: applicationName,totalLaunches,totalUniqueUsers
    period: 04/24
    values: [

Indicates the weekly usage metrics of published desktops.

type: DesktopUsage
    headers: desktopGroupName,sessionSupport,totalDurationInMinutes
    period: 01/05/24-07/05/24
    values: [

Indicates the count of unique users along with total launches in a month for published desktops.

type: UniqueDesktopUsers
    headers: desktopGroupName,totalLaunches,totalUniqueUsers
    period: 04/24
    values: [

Indicates the average logon duration.

type: AvgLogonDuration
    headers: totalUserLogons, avgLogonDurationInSeconds
    period: 01/05/24-07/05/24
    values: [

Indicates the cost saved by the customer in a month.

type: CostSaved
    headers: hypervisor,costSaved,currency
    period: 04/24
    values: [

Storefront Configuration



Field Description Example
ver Indicates the version of the license usage event 1.0
id Indicates the unique identifier of the usage event d4ce7919-5d80-44de-a8fa-102923fe0ead
type Indicates the event type used by CAS to identify cloud usage events Configuration
st Indicates the timestamp when the event is generated in StoreFront 2011-08-12T20:17:46.384Z
prod Identifies the originating product and deployment of the usage event OnPrem.StoreFront
prodVer Indicates the StoreFront version (internal)


Field Description Example
serverName Indicates the hostname of the service StoreFront is running on storefront-01.storefront.local
deploymentId Indicates the unique identifier of the deployment of StoreFront f47ac10b-58cc-4372-a567-0e02b2c3d479
installedWithCVAD Indicates whether the StoreFront was installed alongside CVAD false
cpuCores Indicates the total number of CPU cores 4
cpuModel Indicates the CPU running StoreFront 12th Gen Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-1255U 1.70 GHz
ramGb Indicates the total amount of RAM in GB 16
numServersInGroup Indicates the number of servers in the server group 3
stores Indicates the StoreFront Store configuration JSON blob. An array of Store objects. Some values are scrambled Example
rfWebSites Indicates the StoreFront RFWeb configuration JSON blob. An array of RFWeb Config objects Example
gateways Indicates the gateway configuration objects as JSON blob. An array of gateway objects Example
authServices Indicates the Auth service configuration objects as JSON blob. An array of auth services objects Example
IsPiiScrambled true

Example of field stores

[{ "BaseUrl": "baseUrl", "StorePath": "/", "EnabledFeatures": 21 bit bitmap, "ResourceTypeFilteringEnabled": "disabled|Citrix.MPS.Application;Citrix.MPS.Desktop", "DefaultRfWebSite": "/Citrix/StoreWeb", "GatewaysUsed": [ "gatewayId" ], "VdaLogonDataProvider": "", "ResourceFeeds": [ { "FeedName": "<resourceFeedName>|scrambled", "Type": "CVAD", "LoadBalancingEnabled": true, } ], "AdvancedAggregation": { "Enabled": true, "GroupingCount": 1, "ControllersPushIdenticalResources": true, "LoadBalanced": true, "AnyPrimaryFarms": true, "AnyBackupFarms": true, } }]

If no Stores are found, it will be an empty array [].

Example of field rfWebSites

[{ "SiteId": "siteId", "BaseUrl": "baseUrl", "StorePath": "storePath", "UiExperienced": 0, "EnabledFeatures": 9 bit, "AuthMethodsEnabled": [ "ad" ], "CanUsersDownloadApps": { "Enabled": true, "Windows": "exe", "MacOS": "dmg" }, "WorkspaceControl": { "Enabled": true, "LogoffAction": 0, "AutoReconnectAtLogon": true, "ShowReconnectButton": true, "ShowDisconnectButton": true }, "MultiClickTimeout": 1, "UiViews": [ "apps", "desktops" ], "DefaultTab": 0, }]

If no rfWebSites are found, it will be an empty array [].

Example of field gateways

[{ "GatewayId": "gatewayId", "IsCloudGateway": true, "LoadBalancingSTAEnabled": true, "SessionReliabilityEnabled": true, "RequestTicketsFromTwoSTA": true, "Version": "1234", "LogonType": "domain", "SmartCardFallbackEnabled": true }]

If no gateways are found, it will be an empty array [].

Example of field authServices

[{ "SiteId": "SiteId", "Store": "StoreAuth", "AuthMethodsEnabled": [ "ad" ], "PasswordChangeWhenExpired": 0, "PasswordRemindersForm": 1, "DelegateCredentialValidationToCitrix": true, "ValidatePasswordsOnDeliveryControllers": true }]

If no auth services found, it will be an empty array [].

Storefront Login



Field Description Example
ver Indicates the version of the license usage event 1.0
id Indicates the unique identifier of the usage event d4ce7919-5d80-44de-a8fa-102923fe0ead
type Indicates the event type used by CAS to identify cloud usage events Login
st Indicates the timestamp when the event is generated in Broker 2011-08-12T20:17:46.384Z
prod Identifies the originating product and deployment of the usage event OnPrem.StoreFront
prodVer StoreFront version (internal)


Field Description Example

The user that initiated the launch. The value is scrambled

fullName: C648FE671A44B3F7 (always scrambled)
samName:C758LH671A44B3F7 (always scrambled)
upn: C7948FE671A44B3F7 (always scrambled)
userLicenseId:C265FE671A44B3F7 (always scrambled)
userSid: C097FE671A44B3F7 (always scrambled)
serverName Indicates the hostname of the service StoreFront is running on storefront-01.storefront.local
loginMethodRfWeb Indicates the method the user used to login to StoreFront from RFWeb 0
loginMethodAuth Indicates the method the user used to login to StoreFront from the Auth service 0
gatewayURL Indicates the Netscaler Gateway used during login
enabledFeatures Indicates a bitmask of enabled features 12
userAgent Indicates the UserAgent of the client used to login CitrixReceiver/ Linux/5.17.15 X1Class CWACapable CWA/
baseUrl Indicates the store that the user login to
storePath Indicates the store that the user login to /Citirx/StoreWeb
apiUsed Indicates if the client is using the Store or PNAgent API 0
deviceId Indicates the device that is used to log into StoreFront. The values is scrambled john-doe
transactionId Indicates the transaction ID that is sent/generated during a single transaction 773aba9e-5b91-4ef9-8782-c4afb75698e7

Delegated Admin



Key Description Example
ver Indicates the version of the license usage event. 1
id Indicates a unique identifier of the usage event. 8c2e20a5-ca3f-4401-ad69-d037933c40a0
type Indicates the event type used by Citrix Analytic Service to identify cloud usage events. DelegatedAdmin.Usage
st Indicates the timestamp when the event is generated in Delegated Admin. 2024-03-22T01:32:23.4056195Z
Identifies the originating product and deployment of the usage event.
XenDesktop.DelegatedAdmin (Cloud)
OnPrem.DelegatedAdmin (OnPrem)
prodVer Indicates the Citrix DaaS or Citrix Virtual Apps and Desktops product version.


Key Description Example
TotalCustomScopes Indicates the number of total custom scopes. 2
TotalCustomRoles Indicates the number of total custom roles. 4

Scramble licensing telemetry data

Considering the sensitivity of information sent in the license telemetry, Citrix provides you an option to scramble the data.

The following table lists the data that can be scrambled:

Field Description Example

Identifies the User ID to uniquely identify a user initiating the session launch.

  • fullName: C648FE671A44B3F7
  • samName: C758LH671A44B3F7
  • upn: C7948FE671A44B3F7
  • userLicenseId: C265FE671A44B3F7
  • userSid: C097FE671A44B3F7
dvc -> dvcName Indicates the friendly name for the device. C758LH671A44B3F7
workerSid Indicates a Unique identifier for the VDA used for the session. 1E5LH671A44B3F7
AdminLoginList Indicates the list of unique admins SamAccountName {AdminLoginList: [UFMJ+JvXOTHO9mQDsOweiw= =]}
stores Indicates the StoreFront Store configuration JSON blob. An array of Store objects. Some values are scrambled Example
deviceId Indicates the device that is used to log into StoreFront. john-doe

To enable or disable scrambling, run the following PowerShell commands on the Delivery Controller.

  1. Open a PowerShell window from the Delivery Controller host.
  2. Run the command asnp citrix to load Citrix-specific PowerShell modules.
  3. Run the following command to enable or disable scrambling:

    By default, the value is 1, or true, which enables scrambling of license telemetry data.

    To disable:

    Set-BrokerServiceConfigurationData Core.ScrambleLicensingData -SettingValue $false


    For a Citrix Service Provider (CSP) customer, the scrambling is disabled by default.

    After you disable scrambling, you can enable it using the following command:

    Set-BrokerServiceConfigurationData Core.ScrambleLicensingData -SettingValue $true
Citrix Virtual Apps and Desktops telemetry data elements