Citrix Cloud

System and Connectivity Requirements

Citrix Cloud provides administrative functions (through a web browser) and operational requests (from other installed components) that connect to resources within your deployment. This article describes the system requirements, required contactable Internet addresses, and considerations for establishing connectivity between your resources and Citrix Cloud.

System requirements

Citrix Cloud requires the following minimum configuration:

  • An Active Directory domain
  • Two physical or virtual machines, joined to your domain, for the Citrix Cloud Connector. For more information, see Citrix Cloud Connector Technical Details.
  • Physical or virtual machines, joined to your domain, for hosting workloads and other components such as StoreFront. For more information about system requirements for specific services, refer to the Citrix documentation for each service.

For information about scale and size requirements, see Scale and size considerations for Cloud Connectors.

Supported web browsers

  • Latest version of Google Chrome
  • Latest version of Mozilla Firefox
  • Latest version of Microsoft Edge
  • Latest version of Apple Safari

Transport Layer Security requirements

Citrix Cloud supports Transport Layer Security (TLS) 1.2 for TCP-based connections between components. Citrix Cloud doesn’t allow communication over TLS 1.0 or TLS 1.1.

To access Citrix Cloud, you must use a browser that supports TLS 1.2 and have accepted cipher suites configured. For more information, see Encryption and key management.

Citrix Cloud management console

The Citrix Cloud management console is a web-based console that you can access after signing in at The web pages that make up the console might require other resources on the Internet, either when signing in or at a later point when carrying out specific operations.

Proxy configuration

If you’re connecting through a proxy server, the management console operates using the same configuration applied to your web browser. The console operates within the user context, so any configuration of proxy servers that require user authentication should work as expected.

Firewall configuration

For the management console to operate, you must have port 443 open for outbound connections. You can test general connectivity by navigating within the console. For more information about required ports, see Inbound and outbound ports configuration.

Console notifications

The management console uses Pendo to display critical alerts, notifications about new features, and in-product guidance for some features and services. To ensure you can view Pendo content within the management console, Citrix recommends that the address is contactable.

Services that display Pendo content include:

  • Citrix Analytics
  • Citrix DaaS
  • Citrix Workspace

Pendo is a third-party sub-processor that Citrix uses to provide cloud and support services to Citrix customers. For a complete list of these sub-processors, see Sub-Processors for Citrix Cloud & Support Services and Citrix Affiliates.

Session time-outs

After an administrator signs in to Citrix Cloud, the management console session times out after 72 hours have elapsed. This time-out occurs regardless of console activity.

Configurable inactivity timeout for console

As a full-access administrator, you can configure the duration of inactivity on the Citrix Cloud console before administrators are automatically signed out. Once configured, the specified timeout period will be applied to all administrators of the Citrix Cloud account.

Console inactivity timeout

When the feature is enabled, administrators will be logged out after the configured period of inactivity, and the session timeout will reset upon each subsequent login.

When the feature is disabled, there is no inactivity timer, and administrators will be logged out only when the 72-hour session limit is reached.


  • By default this feature is disabled.
  • The configurable inactivity timeout is 10 minutes to 12 hours.
  • The default inactivity timeout is 60 minutes.

License Server registration with Citrix Cloud

If you are registering your on-premises Citrix License Server with Citrix Cloud to monitor usage of on-premises deployments, ensure that the following addresses are contactable:

  • (for retrieving a code)
  • (for confirming the license server is registered)
  • (for data upload)
  • port 80
  • port 80
  • port 80
  • port 80
  • port 80

If you are using a proxy server with Citrix License Server, ensure that the proxy server is configured as described in Configure a proxy server in the Licensing product documentation.

Citrix Cloud Connector

The Citrix Cloud Connector is a software package that deploys a set of services that run on Microsoft Windows servers. The machine hosting the Cloud Connector resides within the network where the resources that you use with Citrix Cloud reside. The Cloud Connector connects to Citrix Cloud, allowing it to operate and manage your resources as needed.

For requirements for installing the Cloud Connector, see System requirements. To operate, the Cloud Connector requires outbound connectivity on port 443. After installation, the Cloud Connector might have additional access requirements depending on the Citrix Cloud service with which it is being used.

The machine hosting the Cloud Connector must have stable network connectivity with Citrix Cloud. Networking components must support HTTPS and long-lived secure web sockets. If a timeout is configured in the networking components, it must be greater than 2 minutes.

For help with troubleshooting connectivity between the Cloud Connector and Citrix Cloud, use the Cloud Connector Connectivity Check Utility. This utility runs a series of checks on the Cloud Connector machine to verify it can reach Citrix Cloud and related services. If you use a proxy server in your environment, all connectivity checks are tunneled through your proxy server. To download the utility, see CTX260337 in the Citrix Support Knowledge Center.

Cloud Connector common service connectivity requirements

Connecting to the Internet from your data centers requires opening port 443 to outbound connections. However, to operate within environments containing an Internet proxy server or firewall restrictions, further configuration might be needed. For more information, see Cloud Connector Proxy and Firewall Configuration.

The addresses for each service in this article must be contactable to properly operate and consume the service. The following list includes the addresses that are common to most Citrix Cloud services:

  • https://* (provides access to Citrix Cloud APIs that the services use)
  • https://* (provides access to the Citrix Cloud sign-in interface)
  • https://* (provides access to Azure Blob Storage, which stores updates for Citrix Cloud Connector)
  • https://* (provides access to Azure Service Bus, which is used for logging and the Active Directory agent)

These addresses are provided only as domain names because Citrix Cloud services are dynamic and their IP addresses are subject to routine changes.

As a best practice, use Group Policy to configure and manage these addresses. Also, configure only the addresses that are applicable to the services that you and your end-users are consuming.

If you are using Citrix Cloud with Citrix License Server to register your on-premises products, see License Server registration with Citrix Cloud in this article for additional required contactable addresses.

Allowed FQDNs for Cloud Connector

To help you ensure that all the required fully qualified domain names (FQDNs) are allowed through your firewall, Citrix provides the following resources:

When configuring your firewall, consult both of these resources to verify that the FQDNs that your service deployment requires are allowed.

Local Host Cache (High Availability Service)

When using Local Host Cache (LHC) in Connectors, ensure that the Connectors can reach the election endpoint of every other connector in the resource location. The election endpoint is on port 80 and can be accessed through the following URL: http://<FQDN_OR_IP_OF_PEER_CONNECTOR>/Citrix/CdsController/ISecondaryBrokerElection.

If Connectors are unable to communicate at this address, multiple brokers are elected during an LHC event, which can result in intermittent virtual app and desktop launch failures. For more information, see Resource Locations with Multiple Cloud Connectors.

Adaptive Authentication

When using the Cloud Connector for connectivity to an Adaptive Authentication service, you must allow your Citrix Cloud Connector to access the domain or URL you’ve reserved for the Adaptive Authentication instance. For example, allow For more information, see Adaptive Authentication.


The allowlist.json file is located at and lists the FQDNs that the Cloud Connector accesses. This list is grouped by product and includes a change log for each group of FQDNs.

Some of these FQDNs are specific to a customer and include templated sections in angular brackets. These templated sections must be replaced with the actual values before use. For example, for <CUSTOMER_ID>, you replace <CUSTOMER_ID> with the actual customer ID for your Citrix Cloud account. You can find the customer ID in the following console locations:

  • In the top-right corner of the screen, beneath the customer name for your Citrix Cloud account.

    Citrix Cloud console with Customer ID highlighted

  • On the Account Settings page, under Citrix Cloud Customer ID (CCID).

    Account Settings page with customer ID highlighted

  • On the Secure Clients tab Identity and Access Management > API Access > Secure Clients.

    Secure Clients page with customer ID highlighted

Gateway Service Points of Presence

Some of the FQDNs included in the allowlist.json file are also included in CTX270584: Citrix Gateway Service – Points of Presence (PoPs). However, CTX270584 also includes FQDNs that clients access, such as the following:


Certificate validation

Cloud Connector binaries and endpoints that the Cloud Connector contacts are protected by X.509 certificates that are verified when the software is installed. To validate these certificates, each Cloud Connector machine must meet certain requirements. For a full list of these requirements, see Certificate validation requirements.

SSL Decryption

Enabling SSL decryption on certain proxies might prevent the Cloud Connector from connecting successfully to Citrix Cloud. For more information about resolving this issue, see CTX221535.

Citrix Connector Appliance for Cloud Services

The Connector Appliance is an appliance that you can deploy in your hypervisor. The hypervisor hosting the Connector Appliance resides within the network where the resources that you use with Citrix Cloud reside. The Connector Appliance connects to Citrix Cloud, allowing it to operate and manage your resources as needed.

For requirements for installing the Connector Appliance, see System requirements.

To operate, the Connector Appliance requires outbound connectivity on port 443. However, to operate within environments containing an Internet proxy server or firewall restrictions, further configuration might be needed.

To properly operate and consume the Citrix Cloud services, the following addresses must be contactable:

  • https://*
  • https://*
  • https://*
  • https://*.*

    Customers who can’t enable all sub-domains can use the following addresses instead

    • https://*
    • https://*
  • https://*

Network requirements

Ensure that your Connector Appliance environment has the following configuration:

  • Either the network allows the Connector Appliance to use DHCP to get DNS and NTP servers, an IP address, a host name, and a domain name or you can manually set the network settings in the Connector Appliance console.
  • The network is not configured to use the link-local IP ranges, or, which are used internally by the Connector Appliance.
  • Either the hypervisor clock is set to Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) and is synchronized with a time server or DHCP provides NTP server information to the Connector Appliance.
  • If you use a proxy with Connector Appliance, the proxy must be unauthenticated or use basic authentication.

Citrix Analytics service connectivity

  • For in-product messages including new features and critical communications:
  • Additional requirements: Prerequisites

For more information about onboarding data sources to the service, see Supported data sources.

Console service connectivity

For complete Internet connectivity requirements, see Supported ports in the NetScaler product documentation.

Citrix DaaS service connectivity

Citrix resource location / Cloud Connector:

  • Cloud Connector common service connectivity requirements
  • https://[customerid], where [customerid] is the customer ID parameter displayed on the Secure Clients tab (Identity and Access Management > API Access > Secure Clients) of the Citrix Cloud management console.
    • Customers using Citrix Virtual Apps Essentials need to use https://* instead.
  • Customers using Quick Deploy to install Citrix DaaS need to make these additional addresses contactable:
  • https://*.*
    • Customers who can’t enable all subdomains can use the following addresses instead:
      • https://*
      • https://*

For an overview of how the Cloud Connector communicates with the service, refer to the Citrix DaaS diagram on the Citrix Tech Zone website.

Administration console:

  • https://* (Not required for Rendezvous protocol)
  • https://* (Not required for Rendezvous protocol)
  • https://* (Not required for Rendezvous protocol)
  • https://[customerid], where [customerid] is the customer ID parameter displayed on the Secure Clients tab (Identity and Access Management > API Access > Secure Clients) of the Citrix Cloud management console.
    • Customers using Citrix Virtual Apps Essentials need to use https://* instead.
  • https://*.* (Not required for Citrix DaaS Standard for Azure)
    • Customers who can’t enable all sub-domains can use the following addresses instead:
      • https://*
      • https://*
  • For in-product messages including new features and critical communications:

Rendezvous protocol

When using the Citrix Gateway Service, the Rendezvous protocol allows VDAs to bypass the Citrix Cloud Connectors to connect directly and securely with the Citrix Cloud control plane.

Regardless of the protocol version you’re using, VDAs must be able to contact the addresses for the administration console listed above, unless otherwise noted. For a complete list of the requirements for the Rendezvous protocol, refer to the following sections of the Citrix DaaS product documentation:

Local Host Cache requirement

If your firewall performs packet inspection and you want to use the Local Host Cache feature, ensure that your firewall accepts XML and SOAP traffic. This feature requires the ability to download MDF files, which occurs when the Cloud Connector synchronizes configuration data with Citrix Cloud. These files are delivered to the Cloud Connector through XML and SOAP traffic. If the firewall blocks this traffic, the synchronization between the Cloud Connector and Citrix Cloud fails. If an outage occurs, users can’t continue working because the configuration data residing on the Cloud Connector is out-of-date.

For more information about this feature, see Local Host Cache in the Citrix DaaS product documentation.

VDA upgrade requirement

Using the Full Configuration interface of Citrix DaaS, you can upgrade VDAs on a per-catalog or a per-machine basis. You can upgrade them immediately or at a scheduled time. For more information about the VDA upgrade feature, see Upgrade VDAs using the Full Configuration interface.

When using the feature, make sure that you meet the following connectivity requirements:

  • The following Azure CDN URLs have been added to the allow list. The feature downloads the VDA installers from the Azure CDN endpoints.

    • Production - United States (US):*
    • Production - European Union (EU):*
    • Production - Asia Pacific South (APS):*
    • Production - Japan (JP):*
  • The feature verifies that the VDA installer is signed by a valid certificate. Make sure that the following URLs have been added to the allow list for certificate validity and revocation check:

  • The feature requires VDA Upgrade Agent to work. The VDA Upgrade Agent running on the VDA communicates with Citrix DaaS. Make sure that the following URLs have been added to the allow list:

    • https://[customerId]*, where [customerid] is the customer ID parameter displayed on the Secure Clients tab (Identity and Access Management > API Access > Secure Clients) of the Citrix Cloud management console.

Endpoint Management service connectivity

Citrix resource location / Cloud Connector:

Administration console:

Citrix Gateway service connectivity


SSL interception cannot be performed on Citrix Gateway addresses. Enabling SSL interception on certain proxies might prevent the Cloud Connector from connecting successfully to Citrix Cloud.

NetScaler Intelligent Traffic Management service connectivity

  • https://*
  • https://*

SD-WAN Orchestrator service connectivity

For complete Internet connectivity requirements, see Prerequisites for Citrix SD-WAN Orchestrator service usage.

Remote Browser Isolation (formerly Secure Browser) service connectivity

Citrix resource location / Cloud Connector:

Cloud Connector common service connectivity requirements

Administration console:

  • https://*
  • https://*

Citrix Secure Private Access service connectivity

  • https://*
  • https://*.*
    • Customers who can’t enable all subdomains can use the following addresses instead:
      • https://*
      • https://*

Citrix Workspace service connectivity

  • https://*
  • https://*
  • For in-product messages including new features and critical communications:

Global App Configuration service connectivity

For more information about this service, refer to the following resources:

Citrix Workspace app connectivity

Add the following URLs to your allow list:

  • https://*
  • Identity provider address. Refer to instructions in the corresponding identity provider documentation.
  • https://*

For specific URLs, allow access to the following addresses:

  • <yourcustomer>

Citrix Secure Private Access


Global App Configuration Service

Refer to Global App Configuration service connectivity in this article.



Ensure that your identity provider URLs are also accessible from your end user devices.

Authentication graphical interface assets


Citrix Analytics Service


Enable access to the appropriate URL from the following list, depending on your location:

  • US:
  • EU:
  • APS:

Workspace graphical interface assets


Personalization, notifications, and feature rollout


Device registration service


Push notification service


Citrix Gateway service

  • https://*

Workspace single sign-on with Citrix Federated Authentication Service (FAS)

The console and FAS service access the following addresses using the user’s account and the Network Service account, respectively.

  • FAS administration console, under the user’s account:
    • https://*
    • https://*
    • https://*
    • Addresses required by a third party identity provider, if one is used in your environment
  • FAS service, under the Network Service account:
    • https://*
    • https://*

If your environment includes proxy servers, configure the user proxy with the addresses for the FAS administration console. Also, ensure that the address for the Network Service account is configured as appropriate for your environment.

If you are using Active Directory or Active Directory and a time-based one-time password (TOTP) as your identity provider for the Citrix Workspace app, you must also whitelist If you are using other identity providers, allow identity provider URLs separately.

CAS event hub URLs are also geo specific.

Workspace Environment Management service connectivity

Citrix resource location / Cloud Connector / Agent:


For complete requirements, see Connectivity prerequisites in the Workspace Environment Management service documentation.