Citrix Virtual Apps and Desktops

Known issues

Citrix Virtual Apps and Desktops 7 2411 includes the following known issues:


  • If a known issue has a workaround, it is provided after the description of the issue.

  • The following warning applies to any workaround that suggests changing a registry entry:


    Editing the registry incorrectly can cause serious problems that might require you to reinstall your operating system. Citrix cannot guarantee that problems resulting from the incorrect use of the Registry Editor can be solved. Use the Registry Editor at your own risk. Be sure to back up the registry before you edit it.


  • Azure Arc Onboarding is not supported in Citrix Virtual Apps and Desktops version 2411. [BRK-14897]

  • While upgrading from previous Citrix Virtual Apps and Desktops versions to version 2411 or deploying a new site on version 2411, the site creation fails when using a SQL Server 2016 database. This issue prevents successful installation and setup, blocking you from migrating to or deploying the latest version of Citrix Virtual Apps and Desktops. [BRK-20845]

  • When the metainstaller is used to install the Citrix Virtual Apps and Desktops components on a machine running Windows Server 2025, then MsiInstall events are not being written to the event logs. [HDX-63916]

  • If you launch the app bar and then open the Connection Center menu in Citrix Workspace app for Windows, the app bar doesn’t appear under the server that hosts it. [HDX-27504]

  • If you use Citrix Workspace app for Windows and launch the app bar in a vertical position, the bar covers the Start menu or the system clock tray. [HDX-27505]

  • The combo box might not display properly when a user selects a combo box that is already in focus on the host. As a workaround, select another UI element and then select the combo box. [HDX-21671]

  • The Citrix Desktop Service might fail to start after performing an in-place OS upgrade from Windows 10 to Windows 11. To resolve the issue, restart the machine. [HDX-58399]

  • The Session limits settings for multi-session VDAs are declined in session hosts running Windows Server 2022, Windows 10 Enterprise multi-session, and Windows 11 Enterprise multi-session. As a workaround, you can configure RDS Session Time Limits through GPO. [HDX-47001]

  • The Windows Security dialog box associated with FIDO2 will not be displayed in front of the ICA session window if you are running the application with administrator privileges. It is by the operating system design that the Windows Security dialog box will be hidden behind the ICA session window if it is running as an elevated process. [HDX-26794]

  • Windows 10 or Windows 11 Multi-session OS does not support Windows System Restore. Hence, the option to create a restore point is unavailable in the UI. The command line options /EnableRestore or /EnableRestoreCleanup are ignored and the Disabling System Restore as not currently supported on Windows 10/11 Multi Session OS’s” message is logged. [HDX-58915]

  • With CVAD 2411, the Connection Strength Indicator (CSI) on the Desktop Viewer toolbar does not display the correct protocol information. Instead, the protocol is shown as N/A in the CSI details. [XASUP-6810]

  • There is a 5-minute delay between the update to any policy setting and the generation of the blob in the site service. As a result, policies may take some time to update and reflect in the sessions.


For some 3rd party applications (e.g. Zoom app or Teams app) running on a single-session VDA, audio device names are not properly updated in the 3rd party applications after a disconnect, reconnect, or hard reset of the ICA session.

As a workaround, you can restart the 3rd party application and the audio device names will update as expected. [HDX-48021]

Web Studio

  • Currently, migrating a site database from a local SQL Server to an Azure SQL isn’t supported. The recommended approach is to create a new site with the Azure Database and use tools such as Citrix Automated Configuration Tool for site migration. [STUD-31875]

Secure Private Access with Web Studio

  • The navigation bar is partially visible when a user is redirected from the Overview tab > “Add license server URL” link to Settings > Integrations page. Refresh the page to see the navigation bar. [SPAOP-4782]
  • A blank warning popup appears when an incorrect gateway URL is entered. Hover over the warning icon, to see the warning message. [SPAOP-4947]
  • The vertical scrollbar is partially visible for all tabs in the console. No workaround is needed for this issue, and it does not affect any features or user experiences. [SPAOP-4851]
  • Under Settings > Integrations tab, the horizontal scrollbar is not visible at the bottom of the page if the browser window is small. The horizontal scroll bar is not needed if the browser window is maximized. [SPAOP-4844]
  • In the Troubleshooting logs, the vertical scrollbar is not visible at bottom of the page when the log details dialog box is opened. No workaround is needed for this issue, and it does not affect any features or user experiences. [SPAOP-4843]
  • The Overview tab is not highlighted when logging into the Secure Private Access console or navigating back to the WS and returning to the Secure Private Access console. No workaround is needed for this issue, and it does not affect any features or user experiences. [SPAOP-4691]
  • Under Settings > Integrations tab, the error messages appear behind the dialog box instead of in front of it. No workaround for this issue and it does not affect any features or user experiences. [SPAOP-4856]


All the above issues occur only when you access the Secure Private Access from Web Studio. They are not applicable if you access the standalone Secure Private Access.


  • You might notice extra webcams that are connected to the remote desktop in the Skype for desktop app. These extra webcams’ preview are blocked and might show a black screen due to security reasons. You can ignore the extra webcam and continue using the webcam for endpoint. [HDX-58807]


  • When you initiate an OData V4 or V3 request for MonthlyCostSummaries through the Director OData API, you might encounter a 500 internal error. As a workaround, use the OData query from the Trends > Custom Reports > OData query section in the Director UI.

Machine Creation Services

  • In a VMware environment hosted on AWS, the MCS machine catalog creation fails if the master image is vTPM enabled. This issue affects all Citrix Virtual Apps and Desktops versions and is due to a problem in the VMware environment. For assistance, contact VMware support. [PMCS-38514]

Third-party issues

  • Chrome supports UI Automation only for toolbars, tabs, menus, and buttons around a webpage. Because of this Chrome issue, the automatic keyboard display feature might not work in a Chrome browser on touch devices. As a workaround, run chrome --force-renderer-accessibility or you can open a new browser tab, type chrome://accessibility, and enable Native accessibility API support for specific or all pages. In addition, when you publish a seamless app, you can publish Chrome with the --force-renderer-accessibility switch. [HDX-20858]

Profile Management

Linux VDA

Session Recording

Workspace Environment Management

Citrix Provisioning

Federated Authentication Service